Scholarship Opportunities

Applications accepted ONLY between: May 1st - June 15th

Since the inauguration of this program in 1993, GNOBFA has given 306 grants totaling $399,400.00.  The allowance of GNOBFA scholarships originated because of funds generated by our seminar. Without a successful seminar, there would be no scholarships. As we all know, success does not come easy because it requires a lot of work and time. At the 39th River and Marine Industry Seminar, Karl Gonzales, GNOBFA president, announced that each year in appreciation for their time given to the seminar, Fred Renoudet, Alan Savoie, and Maurice C. Hebert Jr. would have GNOBFA scholarships named for them. This year the Board of Governors approved funds for the following applicants. Their schools were sent checks to be applied to offset their expenses.

$6,300 was divided among our 2024 Scholarship Recipients

This year’s Fred Renoudet scholarship is awarded to Warren O. Waguespack, Jr. Warren is enrolled at Rhodes College. He is the son of Warren Waguespack, Sr of Crescent Marine Towing

This year’s Alan Savoie scholarship is awarded to Jesse Mitchell. Jesse is enrolled at the University of New Orleans. He is the son of Rayshell Mitchell of L & L Marine Transportation.

This year’s Maurice C Hebert, Jr scholarship is awarded to Nicholas Waguespack. Nicholas is enrolled at Louisiana State University. He is the son of Warren Waguespack, Sr. of Crescent Marine Towing.

Just because you send an application does not mean you automatically receive a scholarship. The Scholarship program was implemented to encourage participation in the association. The number of scholarships awarded depends on funds available, the number af applications and the level of PARTICIPATION BY the EMPLOYED REGULAR MEMBER and Regular Member company. As is our policy every year, those individuals who had the most PARTICIPATION in the educational activities of our Association had larger financial compensation then those who had minimal participation.

Because consideration is given to those employees who are not permitted by their company to attend certain functions, it was very important that the Voting Delegate correctly marked the application. In other words, if the application was marked that the employee could attend functions but elected NOT to attend, they LOST points. Additionally, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that when ATTENDING General Membership Meetings that you sign-in. If you were there but neglected to sign-in, the Committee had no way to verify your attendance – therefore no points were given.

Only employees of the local Regular Member Company are eligible to apply


Remember – those individuals who participated in programs got the most points. In other words – want more points? Want a scholarship? It’s easy – PARTICIPATE.

If you wish to serve on the committee next year, contact
Robin Rogers,
Scholarship Chairperson